It's the cracked ones that let the light into the world
Sci-fi story about a man (Timothy Dwight) on the run from a Big Brother-like security force.
Sci-fi story about a man (Timothy Dwight) on the run from a Big Brother-like security force.
Just a reminder that SPLIT is now available on Blu-ray for the very first time! Including an extended cut with lots of footage relevant to the plot! This is one of my all time favorite films and an original NEON BOOGER. Warren scanned, restored and color corrected the film himself and I wrote the liner notes 🙂🙂🙂 This project means a lot to us so if you’re at all interested in the film and have $23 to spare please consider buying 💙
A prophetic rebel (and quick-change artist) is pursued by a mysterious surveillance team, urban paranoia jacked-up to warp-speed. Lacking any backstory, the dense structure barely translates to coherence, but a red pill/blue pill enigma carries the vibe, and the early (earliest?) CGI is retro cool.
"what you say may be incomprehensible and boring, but that doesnt make it true "
This will probably be the first of several write-ups on Split as we approach it's upcoming blu-ray release by Verboden Video. The restoration looks gorgeous (holla at my boo, Warren). You can finally SEE all of those beautiful sets and incredible artwork by director Chris Shaw. And if you've ever been confused while watching Split (you're not alone, shit is DENSE) the commentary by Chris will help a lot.
As I try to piece together something coherent for liner notes, I can't help but reflect of the chain of events that lead to it. From finding this tape at a comic book store in Florida for a buck, it inspiring the Neon Boogers list which is what brought Warren to…
Well I did it, I found the sickest movie of all time. This is the highest caliber, true low budget, cyberArt I’ve ever seen. Such a chaotic, paranoid DiscFlick™ 💿 is tempting me to place it in the top position of the Cyberpunk+ Essentials list
There are so many cool effects, sounds and primitive CGI in this flick it’s wall to wall ear and eye candy. The script is hilariously satirical at times, hyper relevant and supremely dark.
The American answer to Japanese cyberpunk. Like a Deadbeat at Dawn but for the most dedicated cyberfreaks.
They’d be useless. They’d never take orders. Sure you couldn’t trace them but they’d never have time to do anything complex. People like that are crippled by their own independence. They have no meaning. They’re just dancing in the void.
I watched this on YouTube for free and now I can’t wait to order the fully restored Blu-Ray with the extended edition for multiple rewatches.
Proto-Packardian schizoid-on-the-street insanity by way of genuinely compelling social sci-fi. Don't think for a second that my angle here is any sort of "so bad it's good" bullshit- Split's a seriously good movie, with trick shots, clever themes, and all sorts of formal derangement to match the wild, offbeat tone. I don't own a Blu-Ray player, but the fact that I could buy a fresh 2K remaster of this is the most convincing argument I've heard.
Order is oppression, freedom is chaos.
A massive bombardment of noise over noise over noise, like the high octane brain activity of a person during the final few micro-seconds before they successfully break out of a coma captured on film. About the halfway point whatever thread that was holding this oddity together into a somewhat coherent structure just snapped causing everything else to short circuit and fry and the entire thing just went into seizure mode, it was mind blowing to watch, shit, it's like putting a defibrillator on both temples. If you love Japanese cyberpunk, do not fucking miss this.
This doesn't happen often but I have no idea what I just watched. I don't understand it. All of the different moving parts come together to make one movie I guess in as much as everything I saw came from one video tape but I'm still not convinced. That's not to say I didn't love it because I did. I adored every second of it. Even though I could never quite wrap my brain around what was going on. I think maybe it'll click after a few more watches but maybe not. Maybe it was just me because I'm still in the midst of a sinus/double ear infection. WHO KNOWS?! I sure as fuck don't.
In conversation, my good friend…
Split is my favorite kind of movie. I can’t help it. I’m a sucker for a science fiction mind trick leaning heavy on experimental weirdness. There’s some really great hidden gems in the dialogue. The early use of cgi have such a strange timeless quality to them even for how much of the time they look. And they definitely look 1989. Scores high on creative and low budget quality charm. The plot makes no sense at times, but I don’t really care. My brain is scrambled.
Split is the wild dream of a madman mainlining Philip K. Dick as he writes a thesis paper on chaos theory high on the invisible waves of the universe. It’s one of those lost video-era gems that’s rough around the edges, yet endlessly fascinating because it’s so singular in its vision.
Big HELLBENT or DECODER vibes, true punk bullshit, gorgeous and weird trash
This is the second insane low-budget science fiction film I've watched in as many days. This one is much more cerebral than yesterday's viewing. It is also has more visual lush to offer. Where Droid had all the right colors, Split adds fun early computer animation and interesting frame compositions.
In the world of Split, there is an aging ruler who needs to find a new body so that he can continue to oversee his kingdom. All of the citizens are very meticulously tracked and recorded. One outlier, a deliberate transient who lives off of garbage so as to stay off of the radar of this universe's "Big Brother," runs around over the course of the movie trying to get…