Would you buy a used secret from these men?
Two CIA bunglers botch a Soviet defection, then both sides mark them for termination.
Two CIA bunglers botch a Soviet defection, then both sides mark them for termination.
Elliott Gould Donald Sutherland Zouzou Joss Ackland Xavier Gélin Vladek Sheybal Michael Petrovitch Shane Rimmer Kenneth Griffith Pierre Oudrey Kenneth J. Warren Jacques Marin Jeffry Wickham Nigel Hawthorne John Bardon Yuri Borienko James Woolley Melanie Ackland Michael Anthony Larry Taylor Lewis Alexander Norman Atkyns Ernest Blyth Ishaq Bux Robert Cawdron Andre Charisse Raf De La Torre Andy Ho Alf Joint Show All…
SPYS, Kémek, Les s' Pions, Espías, Dos espies bojos
"This isn't bugged. This isn't the White House."
Who watched this and said, "Let's hire this guy to direct Empire Strikes Back." I mean, it worked out in the end, but fuck me, this was bad. Somewhere buried beneath all the shit and nonsense, there is an intriguing movie about spy craft and thrills. Only this is having an identity crisis. This has no thrills for being an action movie and no laughs for being a comedy. And it's boring and convoluted for only being 90 minutes, which feels like 120 minutes. I feel Elliott Gould and Donald Sutherland should have great chemistry together, but the script and direction kept forcing them apart; like they are in two tonally inconsistent…
The only way you can watch this film is to buy it on any physical format like DVD, since it's not available to stream anywhere online. Anyways, this was such a wasted opportunity because reuniting both lead actors Donald Sutherland and Elliot Gould should have been an easy win, considering how great the pair were in M*A*S*H. Both actors try their best, but their chemistry feels all over the place and though the humor did have me chuckle in a few spots, it really didn't do much since it mostly felt kind of forced.
Lastly, the story is rather boring as it tries to be a sort of fun spy parody. The premise of two bumbling C.I.A agents being targeted…
well, what did we learn folks? mostly that i'll sit through a lot of cringe for a dumb lanky 70's actor, and even more for 2 of them. imagine getting these 2 to be the leads in your movie and then still managing to make it this bad...irving kershner i'll never forgive you, and jerry goldsmith you aren't off the hook either bc holy shit
btw i'm issuing a public service announcement: my friend recently came up with a brilliant december movie challenge for me called donald december, so y'all should just unfollow me now
Sutherland and Gould play a couple of American intelligence agents who have to go on the lam after a botched job in S*P*Y*S.
I like the two leads well enough. I thought M.A.S.H. was great, and I enjoyed California Split too. This one though? Eeeeeh, I don't know. There's really not much here in the way of either story or humor. The two primaries clearly have screen chemistry. Sadly, it seems like the (sometimes good) director, Irvin Kershner might have just been hoping that if he put the two stars in a room together, the magic would just happen. S*P*Y*S serves to remind even the veteran filmmakers, if you want to make something look effortless - you've gotta work at it.
Delightfully stupid stuff! On paper this all sounds wonderful, but something in the execution is so off. Perhaps it’s just a little too serious, with too many side characters. If Gould and Sutherland were left to cook more, maybe we’d have something a lot more fun. Still, it was a good ride. Time spent staring at Elliott Gould and Donald Sutherland is never time wasted.
Incredibly boring. Like most of the young Sutherland films.
Sutherland/Gould post Mash reunion movie is a spy send-off more than spoof. There's barely any material, but the slightness is part of the joke and the stars have great rapport together. Irvin Kershnner directs looking for a sloppy form to match the destructive satire with not always successful results. The movie is very uneven, but quite funny and I could watch Gould and Sutherland relax together for another half a dozen features.
sexy gould
hilarious score
worst ADR of all time
funny flick for enjoyers of TOP SECRET, worst score of all time
about half an hour into this i had the thought that this must be what it would feel like to have someone inject you with packing peanuts. If you can, watch the retrospective featurette from the DVD. It’s called “inside spys” and feels like a parody, but it isn’t. i couldn’t begin to imagine laughing at the actual film, but i laughed extremely hard more than once during the featurette. i especially like it when they talk about how “advantageous” it was that the actor who died during filming was bald, so they could just get a bunch of bald actors together and pick one of them to shoot from the back. seamless. problem solving at its finest. movie magic.
watched with Katie
“yeah i bet its way better than any star wars movie”
-my bestie, February 3rd, 2023.
Two CIA agents become targets of their own agency, Russians and Chinese when they bungle a job. A bumbling, weightless spy caper of few mildly amusing episodic encounters given much needed life support in the shape of Donald Sutherland and Elliot Gould's buffoonery. Parody and intrigue ensures, yet the story is so vanilla.