The life of the party just died!
An accidental death at a bachelor party spurs a night of shooting, kidnapping and murder in the host's home.
An accidental death at a bachelor party spurs a night of shooting, kidnapping and murder in the host's home.
Omicidi Occasionali, Sale Nuit, Despedida de Soltero, Despedida Mortal, 스태그, Comiat de solter
I expected this to be a lot worse than it actually is, it has a few decent performances, Andrew McCarthy being the standout, and the story is pretty good.
Rought Night plagiarized Very Bad Things which plagiarized this
What a waste of Jerry Stiller.
The acting wasnt bad, but it wasnt that good. Depends on the actor, because the guy who plays Jon is pretty bad.
The music decent as well as the story but nothing great in this one.
Again, this movie, tries to be more than it could reach, the camera work, the music, the story, reminds me of a soulless Tarantino movie.
"Stag" is a movie about men behaving badly as a bachelor party goes horribly awry, and even though it beat the similarly-themed "Very Bad Things" to the punch by a full year, this is clearly the lesser of the two. This simply cannot match the gleefully dark hilarity of the later film, as it plays the scenario as a straight thriller and comes up short.
There are some good actors in the ensemble cast, and they do what they can with the limp material, as much of the blame lies with the lackluster script. It took three screenwriters to come up with this mess, but it never reaches the fever pitch that one would expect from this situation. There's tension…
Pure 90s. I honestly expected this to be terrible. It’s not though. Interesting script, decent performances. It’s not great but it’s enjoyable. Andrew McCarthy is a great scumbag.
Shittiest version of "Very Bad Things" imaginable; makes "Rough Night" look like Citizen Kane.