Innocent man. Guilty system.
Charged as a teen in the 1993 killing of a Boston cop, Sean K. Ellis fights to prove his innocence while exposing police corruption and systemic racism.
Charged as a teen in the 1993 killing of a Boston cop, Sean K. Ellis fights to prove his innocence while exposing police corruption and systemic racism.
Le quatrième procès, El Cuarto Juicio, Rettssak nr 4, Il quarto processo, 네 번째 재판, A negyedik tárgyalás, Proces číslo 4, Czwarty proces, Le Quatrième Procès, 一罪四審:牢獄二十載, El cuarto juicio, Justiça em Julgamento, 第四次审判, Verhandlung Nr. 4, 4度目の公判: ボストン警官殺人事件, המשפט הרביעי, Η 4η Δίκη, Neljäs oikeudenkäynti
The level of police corruption and cover up in this case is absolutely appalling; I shouldn't be surprised, A C A B.
That being said, if I were being railroaded for a crime I didn't commit, I'd give anything to have a lawyer like Rosemary Scapicchio fighting my corner.
“wrongful convictions are a human catastrophe”
it was clear from very early on, in my mind, that sean ellis was innocent of the crime he was accused of.. it was really disgusting to watch these men from the police department double down on their original accusations and claim that they “know” he’s guilty even though they had no real proof and literally would not even discuss the case through all the retrials nor at the end of the story even when their negligence and corruption were brought to light. they just kept repeating the same bullshit over and over like that would magically make them right (kind of like that fuck that can’t admit that he lost)
p.s. rosemary scapicchio is an actual angel on this earth.
These asshats built a monument to that corrupt scumbag Mulligan then acted like a murderer walked free when the case was dismissed 25 years later. Boston PD has no shame.
Rosemary Scapicchio is a bad ass.
In the words of the N.W.A ... fuck tha police.
Like honestly, fuck them! Trial 4 is yet another proof of how the system is broken and the system to repair it is just as useless.
The case of Sean Ellis is rather fresh, he got out of prison in 2015 and the case against him was dismissed in 2018. Yet he has not gotten any compensation for the 20+ years he spent in prison.
Despite the fact that the Boston police detectives handling his case (despite being in the drug department NOT murder department) were charged and found guilty of corruption, the police department still firmly calls Ellis a murderer. There's so many evidence proving the opposite, and after…
Girl this did not need to be 8 episodes.
There are far too many Sean Ellis’ who will never be advocated for. The criminal justice system is inhumane and cruel especially to black men.
5-0 sucks.
this country’s addiction to prisons is racist and classist abomination - you can donate to the organization that Sean Ellis now works for, which does excellent work to feed the community in and around Boston:
This is not a comment on the importance of covering a case like this. This 8-part miniseries could have been one feature-length documentary feature. Everything important could have been covered in under two hours. The narrative was repetitive, transitions were overlong. This was so long I started watching it in 2020, the longest year in history, and didn't finish it until 2021. And I watched it at 1.5x speed. Oh, and the title is technically incorrect.
Binged the entire thing in one sitting today. How many Netflix documentaries about corrupt cops do we need before we actually try to dismantle and fix the system?
Trial 4 was 3 episode too long but Sean spent 23 years too long in prison so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
All hail Rosemary!
The Boston Police can suck several dicks as far as I’m concerned. Including mine! Disgustingly corrupt.
important story to tell, but the meandering pacing made it difficult to stay engaged