I saw this as part of a one night only "worldwide" screening event last night, in a room full of vegans and AR activists (myself included, of course). I have no idea what they thought of the movie, but this thing is just atrocious. It is literally the last AR film I would show somebody if I was trying to educate them about why animals are deserving of moral consideration. It takes the raw visceral (in the most literal sense of the term) power of Earthlings (same director) and dilutes it with the worst kind of pseudoscientific nonsense. I was waiting for a section about the healing power of energy crystals, but I guess the director wanted to draw the line somewhere.
If you're looking to make your own Unity at home, here's the recipe: 1 part powerful documentary footage of animal suffering, 6 parts inane psychobabble, 3 parts random stock footage. Garnish with 100 celebrity narrators.