The First Film To Use Real Bodies
A young pathology med student suspects that the spirit of a dead cadaver in the hospital morgue where she works is killing off all those who handle or desecrate the body.
A young pathology med student suspects that the spirit of a dead cadaver in the hospital morgue where she works is killing off all those who handle or desecrate the body.
A halál után, The Possession, Unrest - Schrei nicht, du weckst die Toten, Cadáveres, Unrest (Los que no descansan), ללא נחת, 언레스트, 死不瞑目, Lanetli Ruh, ศพจ้องตาย
After Dark HorrorFest(2006)
8 Movies to Die For Weekend
🎟🎟🎟🎟 Movie 7 🎟🎟🎟🎟
A Pathology Intern believes a cadaver's spirit is killing people who messes with it.
I found this film to just be ok but, had potential to be much better.
Unfamiliar cast(for me anyways) with decent acting but a story that could of went deeper into the back story of the cadaver could of made this a more eerie and creepy experience.
This movie isn't all bad with it's creepy scenes, tense moments here and there and the death scenes made for a ok, one time watch.
After Dark HorrorFest Ranked
I think this may be the first After Dark film I ever saw and it will always have a special place in my dark heart because of that. It was also when I was in college so good memories all around there. But really, it is a good movie with a fun, unique premise. I mean, there have been a lot of movies recently about cursed corpses but when this one came out it was a pretty original idea.
Corri English is pretty adorable and just like the last movie I watched, the male lead spends most of his screen time with his shirt off and that is always a bonus for my shallow sexaholic ass. I also love the tribal drum sound effects that occur throughout the movie as well as the creepy hospital setting. It’s worth a look if you’re into supernatural spook shows!
Sure, you survived the movie, but you sure spent a lot of time in the formaldehyde bath, so prepare for cancer within 10-20 years
DAY 11: Unrest
Fairly solid medical horror flick with morgue setting and realistic looking corpses.. and some gnarly scenes which look pretty good. I also always love Corri English and she was gorgeous as the lead..its abit slow paced but overall enjoyable after dark entry 🤘
Horror Hunt #45 (March 2022)
30. Medical Horror
A young medical student finds herself in trouble when a cadaver in the hospital morgue seems to have brought along some kind of curse with it. It's like a cursed episode of Scrubs, but not as cursed as Season 9. Hey-oh!
There something inherently creepy about pale, motionless cadavers that just make them a strong centerpiece for a horror film. I'd like to call it clinical body horror, as so much of the horror in these cursed cadaver flicks rely on people poking around with a body without there really being a whole lot of gore. The body is manipulated and torn apart, but it is all done in a slow,…
There’s things about this movie that I like. Here some medical students are tasked with dissecting their cadavers, when one of them feels a strange connection to theirs compelling her to find out more about the cadaver. Interesting flick with a few jump scares and legend has it that they used real cadavers in some parts of the film. Gets a little more absurd as it goes on but it definitely kept my attention.
A med student is becoming obsessed by the cadaver she' studying, certainly after everyone who came into contact with the dead body is being picked off.
The movie sounds and looks dated, and there seems to be something off with the aspect ratio, but to be honest the proceedings remain engaging enough, and the performances (and dialogue) are better than expected. It won't win any big prizes, and the tank scenes are pretty ridiculous, but I already chose worse when I was into short supernatural chillers.
Rest In Peace, BITCH!
Let me get this out of the way... the story is interesting, the idea of filming actual corpses is cringy, yet fascinating and Corri English is wonderful; the movie is not.
My, my, my. I first saw this movie when I was fourteen... I loved it. It was creepy, well made and I left me wanting more. Flash forward to May 8th, 2019, wow, what a disappointment. Everything I felt about this movie vanished within the runtime. It wasn’t creepy anymore, it was hard to get through and most of all, I was bored out of my mind.
Nostalgia usually plays a pretty big part in liking a film, especially when it has been years since…
os caras acertam que no brasil a gente não fala espanhol mas falam que aqui tinha asteca kkkk
Too much talking , not enough cutting
I really like is movie little scary to watching I seen before few time long time ago i was teen I am watching it again on netflix In the dark
Como cria dos anos 2000 que teve acesso majoritariamente apenas aos filmes de terror que a televisão aberta disponibilizava, foi impossível não me divertir assistindo isso. Uma protagonista completamente burra e uma nojeirada sem fim envolvendo cadáveres, bom demais.