The Story of the Tragedy of Violence
An unsuspecting hero gets involved in uncovering a super soldier terrorist group that has brainwashed his brother.
An unsuspecting hero gets involved in uncovering a super soldier terrorist group that has brainwashed his brother.
Wardog: The Killing Machine, Wardogs (The Assassination Game), Wardog, 战狗, WarDog
In Kill Bill Vol. 2 David Carradine's Bill gives a long speech about how Clark Kent is Superman's critique of humans, or in other words, Kent is humans as seen by Superman. I love the America in these cheap direct to video movies made by non-Americans. Following Bill's logic, it's their critique of us.
War Dog sees Americans as pudgy, violent, war loving, gun worshiping drones who guzzle Coca-cola and sugary desserts while all around us paranoia, brainwashing, and actual conspiracy abound. Accurate!
I’d do the same for my brother.
Viewed on the big screen at Weird Wednesday-Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar w/ an introduction by one of my favorite people in the world and podcasting partner, Erica Shultz. Everyone pick up her book: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unapologetic Guide to Child Kills in Film. Like War Dog, it’ll make you smile.
Super fun Swedish action flick filled with gore and highlighted by a dead body going down a water slide and child murder and/or trauma.
An over the top Swedish actioner with tons of insane squib work. Would love to see this restored. Terrific stuff.
This rinky-dink low budget Swedish action movie that has to resort to actors wearing LOS ANGELES shirts to try and trick people into thinking this was an American production nevertheless has some of the most unreal squibwork I’ve ever seen in my life, I’m in genuine disbelief at the amount and size of the charges they put on some of these actors - a small child gets ventilated with a softball sized squib like he’s in Fulci’s Contraband lmao
Awesome shootout/chase through a theme park where like four innocent bystanders get clipped and then two cops immediately get fireballed in their cruiser by a grenade 👍
If you want to make an action movie but have no money and very little talent just add a goofy dub, absurdly large blood squibs and murder EVERYONE, then you’ll have something worthwhile!!
I really appreciated on a rewatch how deadly serious this movie is. There’s not a drop of humor to be found which of course makes the silliness so much better.
“OK, animal! How come whenever you show up somebody starts a war?!”
Yah, yah! Ve be in America. Look! Flag! Flag!
Indeed, there IS an American flag behind the mad, warmongering, brainwashing militant Colonel, so I guess it must be the good ol’ U.S. of A and not Varberg on the coast of Sweden. My bad, Bjorn – I mean, bro.
Thanks to stilted, unconvincing dubbing and the most loosey-goosey detective ever committed to celluloid “Alright! Get outta here!,” War Dog plays like an unhinged parody of excessive 80s action movies and that is in no way a bad thing. A Swedish shoot ‘em up featuring oodles of squibs exploding in slow-motion (even on a child!) and an obvious…
Pieces of Universal Soldier, Deathdream, and fuck it, throw some Terminator in there too; all jumbled up and reimagined as a low-budget high-absurdity Swedish action schlock with goofy dubbing and squibs like rupturing cans of tomato soup. Consistently entertaining, actually a bit squirmy in the last twenty minutes, and is my brain totally fried or does the lead actor look like a cross between Tim Heidecker and Jimmi Simpson??
After receiving a letter claiming the death of his long lost brother, a Vietnam vet looks for him ending up at a Universal Soldier camp...
Infamous for its ultra-bloody depiction of violence which didn't even stop at little kids WAR DOG is pretty much the first UNIVERSAL SOLDIER movie. Just with a little less of a budget.
Probably shot on a weekend in the woods the movie is a blast in the action scenes which are mostly badly shot and edited but still showcase some real effort and that long car chase through the wilderness was quite impressive nevertheless, with some nice stunts and tons of squib work.
Man, this may be the highest blood squib amount I've ever seen…
Angeregt durch den vor paar Tagen veröffentlichten Schnittbericht bei, hab ich mal wieder Appetit bekommen und war neugierig, da ich an diesen Film keinerlei Erinnerungen mehr hatte.
Joa, jetzt weiss ich auch wieder warum. Denn ausser pseudo provokant und pseudo tabubrecherisch daher zu kommen, kann der Film garnix. Selbst die als "Shock Value" gedachten Szenen mit den Kindern, die blutig erschossen werden verpuffen geradezu, wenn man sich "Assault on Precinct 13" vor Augen hält der das ganze zehn Jahre vorher schon On-Screen gezeigt hat.
Die paar Shoot-Outs die der Film anbietet sind zwar sehr, sehr blutig, aber dafür reichlich dillentantisch und undynamisch inszeniert. Um auf die Inszenierung des eigentlichen Filmes zu sprechen zu kommen: Hier ist alles einfach unterste…
Sweden once again pandering to the American home video market with mindless action junk in the same vein as schlockmeister Mats Helge. Actively losing brain cells for every squib they use.
Cheesy Swedish actionflick about soldiers trained to be supersoldiers/mindless killing machines tries hard to look like it's set in the US but fails miserably. Then again, who cares? The violence is plentiful with lots of giant squibs and a couple of quite good actionscenes. A perfect doublebill with Ninja mission.