A new Greek odyssey
Strangers in their own birthplace, 16-year-old Danny and 18-year-old Odysseus cross the entire country in search of their Greek father, after their Albanian mother passes away.
Strangers in their own birthplace, 16-year-old Danny and 18-year-old Odysseus cross the entire country in search of their Greek father, after their Albanian mother passes away.
Eurimages Entre Chien et Loup Greek Film Centre Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la FWB L'Aide aux Cinémas du Monde 100% Synthetic Films Wrong Men Movie Partners In Motion Film Media ARTE France Cinéma CNC
Ξενία, Pazza idea, Xenia - Eine neue griechische Odyssee, Cuestión de actitud, Görög vendégszeretet, Ксения, 仙尼亚, 크세니아
"Well, we're strangers everywhere" - Maria,
"We're at home everywhere too" - Odysseus,
This isn't really that weird for Greek weird wave but you do get to see a penis, which is of course a national tradition.
In Xenia, two Albanian brothers and their bunny travel across the country of Greece to find their dad, gain Greek citizenship, and compete in a reality singing competition. Along the way the brothers learn about themselves and stuff. I was worried this might be too slow but it's a well paced and reflective film with some nice surprises.
I love how this film mixes grounded realism with strange surrealist parts, especially at night. They play with colors, animal movement, etc and it's really…
Ταινία που περιέχει αναφορές στην Ντόροθι του Μάγου του Οζ, το κουνέλι του Ντόνι Ντάρκο, την μουσική της Patty Pravo και τον καλύτερο στίχο που τραγούδησε ποτέ η Άντζελα Δημητρίου, είναι de facto καλή ταινία. Ο Κούτρας έχει τόση φόρα και πάθος που μερικές φορές χάνει τον έλεγχο αλλά, damn, δεν γίνεται να φύγεις χωρίς χαμόγελο στο τέλος της προβολής.
"ε, κάπως μαλάκας φαινότανε"
τίποτα σε αυτή την ταινία δεν είναι big deal κι αυτό είναι σπουδαίο επειδή τα πάντα σε αυτή την ταινία είναι big deal.
ο κούτρας αντιπαραθέτει το intellectual με το trash και το camp με το cool, με όση φυσικότητα καταφέρνει να αφηγηθεί με νηφαλιότητα, πάθος και λατρεία μια περιθωριακή οδύσσεια στο σκατένιο μας Τώρα κάνοντάς τη να μοιάζει με σκληρό και πολύχρωμο παραμύθι όπου η απόδραση είναι state of mind αλλά οι κακοί λύκοι είναι αληθινοί. το ότι επιμένει να βλέπει αισιόδοξα τους κόσμους που εξερευνά τον κάνει κι αυτόν ένα 16χρονο αγόρι που δε θέλει να μεγαλώσει. ευτυχώς.
I thought this was fun and I love a gay road trip movie!!
there was a lot that was weird about this movie (rabbits.....) but it was overall way more accessible than most greek weird wave movies that I’ve seen.
I think it was a bit too long and the ending could have been wrapped up more quickly. But overall I was entertained by this.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
dany looks like a randomized Sim
There's an article on Xenia that's really brilliant titled The Un-Queering of Queer Cinema: Panos H. Koutras, Xenia (2014), and if you've seen the film you should definitely give it a read (forewarning: it is long). The general idea is that this is an example of a queer film that's removed from what previous queer films sought to do – a great example of what film looks late late in the New Queer Cinema movement, or perhaps part of a "Nu-New Queer" movement altogether.
It's interesting in how it does this by bringing up Dany's queerness early on and... actually not doing too much with it besides here and there. He's gay and there's some sexual tension that happens, some…
έλα εντάξει φανταστικό
Οι σκηνές των παραισθήσεων είναι ανθολογίας, ειδικά η πρώτη στο καράβι με την Patty Pravo να λέει στον Dany να φορέσει ζακέτα!!!
Who made the dialogues? They are really putting down the movie....
One of the weirdest movies I've seen in a while and not in a good way.
I can't really make my mind of what to think of it because there's so much going on at the same time.
At the very core, it has some moments of brilliance but there's a tremendous lack of focus and that took so much of my enjoyment from it. Despite all flaws, this is a good step forward for the new NEW queer cinema.
Expectation at film festivals can be a hard master. So many films, so many glowing write-ups in the festival guide. MQFF is a little different. Festival circuit queer film at the moment is in a bit of a sorry state now that distributors are more willing to pick up top tier queer fare for general release (look at Love is Strange and Eastern Boys currently on release). There are always, of course, the chance that quality cinema will be too niche to miss out on a distribution deal and that the fest will be the only chance to catch it (this year's preeminent candidates are Stand and The Circle). That's what keeps me coming back.
This year, Xenia was my…
I remember watching it when I was like 8 and my father turned it off cuz it was too gay