Because of a motorcycle accident, a young man from the poor outskirts of Paris must find a steady job in order to avoid being sent to prison. He gets into more trouble trying to do that.
Because of a motorcycle accident, a young man from the poor outskirts of Paris must find a steady job in order to avoid being sent to prison. He gets into more trouble trying to do that.
Adrien Jolivet Mhamed Arezki Yannick Nasso Naidra Ayadi Nathalie Richard Nicolas Marié Maka Kotto Abbes Zahmani Jean-Philippe Vidal Guilaine Londez Michelle Goddet Jean-Claude Frissung Pierre Diot Nada Strancar Wilfried Romoli Francis Leplay Eric Prat Thierry Levaret Michel Fortin Daniel Berlioux Abdelhafid Metalsi Vincent Grass Joakim Latzko Hubert Delattre Pierre Baux Pierre Jolivet Ahcène Nini Raphaèle Bouchard Samir Djama Show All…
Teenage delinquents of immigrant descent or immigrants trying to fit into French society in a town in the French countryside: bad humor, weak drama, and scenes with no logical sequence. There are demonstrations of racism and xenophobia that have no impact or larger context to make the viewer think, there are better movies on this subject.
"Amigo é pra essas coisas". Adolescentes infratores, com descendência ou sendo imigrantes, na tentativa de se adequarem na sociedade francesa em uma cidade do interior da França. Péssimo, um humor que não me agradou, um drama fraco e cenas sem sequência lógica. Há demonstrações de racismo e xenofobia que não impactam ou tem contexto maior para fazer o espectador refletir, há filmes melhores sobre o tema.