A haunting love story from Robert Lund, Zoe's husband.
A haunting love story from Robert Lund, Zoe's husband.
have been reading up on zoe lund after recently rewatching Ms .45 again. she was hella eccentric. she was a regular heroin user and had an apartment full of pet rats that would shit in the walls and the other tenants in the building would complain.
there isn't much information about her online – like why did she speak with/adopt/put on a vague european accent when she was born and lived in america for most of her life lol. she is an enigmatic figure and i think dying young always draws fascination, but in her case I think she would still draw fascination if she was still alive today. i wish someone would make a movie about her. or a full length doc at least.
This tugged at my heartstrings. It was so beautiful to hear memories from someone who loved her deeply. You can just tell in his voice. She deserves a full length documentary! She loved her little rat friends :’(
there’s something so beautiful about simply watching someone talk about their memories so authentically. zoë is an icon.
rest in peace lady, i know you’re doing fine <3
so much love is stored in the memories we share </3
absolutely heartbreaking little short of the late zoe lund's husband recounting memories they shared and the troubles leading up to her sudden death. so much raw love shown here with zero judgement for how she abandoned him, it speaks to the testament of that that he keeps her memory alive still today. the short itself is well done - the director (paul rachman, long-time friend of both) "interviews" bob as he drives around nyc speaking candidly to the camera. they utilise beautiful photos of zoe that fade in and out to form a dream-like narrative of the chronology of her life over perfectly chosen jazz music.
a sweet recollection of a truly enigmatic person
paused pulp fiction for this lol
no but this shit is too real. fuck me. i wish i could’ve met you, zoe.
She spent nearly all her time writing. Zoe was one of the people who did heroin in a very measured way. She was not excessive. It wasn't a vice where she wanted to get 'high' or escape. She would do it almost religiously and go off and have wonderful imaginative dreams and she'd often come out of a dream and have more material for a screenplay she was writing. What made it great to her, she seemed to have found something that just made her feel right, and she felt right in that space, and she felt right under the influence of that drug.
his voice is heartbreaking and loving all at once—testament to life in itself. it is impossible to sum up another’s life (especially a loved one’s), but to hear their story through someone who loved them deeply is perhaps the best we can do.
6 minutes of Robert Lund discussing his relationship with his wife, Zoë Lund, avowed heroin advocate-user who left him in '97, moved to Paris, switched to cocaine, and died there aged 37 in '99: shoulda stuck with Robert and the smack.
zoë tamerlis lund vc é eterna <3
Tonight I suddenly thought of Zoe lund and wanted to explore more of her filmography on letterboxd and came across this short on youtube! I wish there is a longer version because of how hollow and surface level this feels and it would have been more interesting and informational if we got to learn more things about Zoe (like in-depth exploration of her past works, what’s she like outside of her career etc) as she is still somewhat a complete mystery to this day.
What I got out of this is that I won’t be able to see rats without being reminded of her now ❤️🐀