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Recent reviews

  • Lion



    Lion is without a doubt my favorite film of 2016, despite the fact that I saw it in 2017. This film isn't just a film it is an experience, an experience that I erg all of you reading this too go out and see, please support this film because this is one that truly deserves your money.

    Lion follows the story of Saroo Brierley who at age fivegets lost on a train taking him thousands of miles across India away…

  • Patriots Day

    Patriots Day


    Patriots Day is a film that I had a lot of anticipation for, especially after watching Deep Water Horizon earlier last year as both films share the same director in Peter Berg and the same lead actor in Mark Wahlberg. Patriots Day is a very different film than Deep Water Horizon, giving the audience a first hand view on the Boston Marathon bombings back in 2013 and the events that followed.

    Peter Berg delivers one of his best directorial efforts…