Film & Second Breakfast Enthusiast
I just want to live in the Shire, is that too much to ask for?
Enjoy my rambling :)
I thought it was a fitting choice to watch my first Kurosawa film on his birthday!
Although the first half of the movie was a bit too slow for my liking, the acting and cinematography really stand out. You can tell that Kurosawa was a very talented director just by the way he positions characters in a frame.
The second half was more interesting, but I wish there was a bit more action. I guess this is a good introduction to Kurosawa's filmography and Japanese cinema in general though. I hope that I'll enjoy his other films more!
Love how the 80s camera easily connects to the 50s tv in Doc's house
This is definitely one of the most entertaining films ever made! It never gets old.
This started out interesting, but lost its way for me. It felt too long and unfocused.
I did NOT realize how stacked this cast was until the opening credits names showed up. A slow burner with great performances and production design.