Film at Lincoln Center

Film at Lincoln Center HQ

FLC is a nonprofit organization that celebrates cinema as an essential art form and fosters a vibrant home for film culture to thrive. FLC presents premier film festivals,…


Recent reviews

“A visually immersive, psychological horror that turns grief into the monster, Don’t Look Now is a master class on foreshadowing and building dread. Filled with iconic images and tremendous performances.” —Lulu Wang

A tale of doomed romance and palace power games, Eunuch follows two forlorn lovers who end up in the service of the king: one after being forced to become a eunuch, and the other after being sent away by her father to the royal harem. Set in the Joseon Dynasty era, with beautiful cinematography and production design, Eunuch stands out among Shin Sang-ok’s costume dramas as an especially lush widescreen technicolor entertainment that takes a step into exploitation cinema with…

Heo-wook and Ji-youn are a young couple, desperately poor, who can meet only on Sundays. Without any money to go to a cafe, they wander the windswept streets and parks of Seoul. Their future is bleak and their relationship appears strained. And they face a crisis: Ji-youn is pregnant. Unable to support a child, she tells Heo-wook that she wants an abortion. Forgotten in storage for 37 years after censors refused to allow its release, A Day Off was belatedly…

Before he started working for the Shaw Brothers Studio and kicked off the martial arts movie craze in the West with The King Boxer, Chung Chang-wha built the foundations for action and genre filmmaking in South Korea. Set during the Joseon Dynasty period, A Swordsman in the Twilight introduces us to a lone bamboo-hat-wearing swordsman (Nam Koong-won) who appears in a lawless village. And while what follows may be a standard revenge story, Chung employs long shots to film action…

Liked reviews

This whole NYFF 60 challenge has really been great for me! Allows me to be more thoughtful in my choices, while also allowing me to A) revisit films either I love or would like to reevaluate, B) allows me to catch up on films that I’ve been meaning to see for years, like Blue or This is Not a Film, and C) seek out obscure oddities that I would never have found out without such an impressively long list. Sugarbaby falls…




this valentine’s day I took the love of my life (me) to the most romantic place I could think of (the walter reade theater)

This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.




Colonialism Roleplay ASMR - Must Watch Till End!

the first word we hear in ZAMA is "voyeur," an accusation laid against the title character by a group of women he watches bathe on the beach. zama flees as a woman pursues him, only to turn around and strike her down. it is this inciting incident that frames the rest of the film and its perspective on colonialism: not as violence against women persay, but as voyeurism. the indigenous population and…