

Favorite films

  • In the Darkness of Time
  • Oppenheimer
  • Will You Look at Me
  • Galaxy Quest

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  • Watching the Detectives


  • Watching the Detectives


  • STEVE! (martin) a documentary in 2 pieces


  • In the Darkness of Time


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  • Ripley



    This series was BEAUTIFUL!!
    Down to the cinematography, the acting, the plot all of it. 
    The shots were amazing, the stills were really captivating and were almost pure painting in themselves. But the fact that they were like that because of the compassion to the Caravaggio is just perfection. I loved that they used Caravaggio to emphasise how Tom’s mindset changes throughout. I am also a big sucker for academic psychopaths and I think Andrew Scott did a very diffrent…

  • Lady Bird

    Lady Bird


    I went into this movie knowing that the film is very well renounced and that pretty much everyone I know who has seen this film has told me I am like lady-bird and I agree to an extent. 
    I relate so so much to lady bird but I didn’t feel like I got the time to connect to any of the characters or the relationships, it felt like half the movie was missing.
    No one will tell you more than…
