Thank fucking god they do weddings. Not that I would love their company in the slightest, they're odd and irritating and I hate them. And as Britney Broski said, he was an idiot, he wasn't funny, he didn't get my sense of humor, he wasn't witty, he didn't match me anywhere, intellectually , looks, success, talent, intelligence, absolutely none of it. Because how are you going to look like dumb and dumber AND think like dumb and dumber. Instead of…
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Candy 2006
It was so good. Drug addiction is such a serious topic and people who don't understand it think the people are lazy or lowlifes or something stupid. And this film handled it with such delicacy and just genuine care for the topic. I think this movie is so fucking good.
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Shaun of the Dead 2004
Decent honestly I just wouldn't watch it again I think.
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