fan of horror • appreciator of hair & makeup, costuming, props, production & set design, etc.
finalhexgirl on tiktok & bluesky
What a roller coaster of emotions.
I had gone in expecting more violence from the protagonist, and didn’t realize it was more of a thriller. Though the violence inferred and depicted is still devastating. Some scenes were definitely uncomfortable to watch.
I think it did a great job communicating that no matter what kind of job a man has or how nice he seems, men are capable of really fucked up things that they’ll gladly pretend didn’t even happen. I…
Super cool premise, super dumb movie. They could’ve done really interesting stuff with this concept, but it’s so boring and lame – would not recommend. It wasn’t even the “so stupid it’s good” or enjoyable kind of bad. And the ending irritated me. Why it’s has 4 stars on prime is beyond me.
Similar to the first, but just different enough to still be really enjoyable. Her relationship with her little sister really hit home. And it was great to see her become even more than a chief to her people. Seeing her be honored and respected is so important for little girls everywhere.
The premise was really interesting. The ending PISSED ME OFF. I literally yelled at my tv. Definitely subverted any expectations I had going into it. However, it has its moments where you’re super frustrated with a character for making certain decisions.
➥ Rewatchability?: It was so frustrating I don’t see myself wanting to watch it again, but it wasn’t bad by any means.
➥ Worth the Watch?: If you like psychological horror, maybe if you find the premise interesting. But if you find it infuriating when people make question decisions in “scary” movies, this probably isn’t for you.