Sooo much better not in class omg
Can't get over the one street performer who's whole thing was that he ate a bunch of frogs and then threw up everywhere
Sooo much better not in class omg
Can't get over the one street performer who's whole thing was that he ate a bunch of frogs and then threw up everywhere
This was surprisingly good. Really really fun, great pacing, genuinely funny and not falling victim to mainstream cinematic beige.
I reckon the main problem lies in how futile all the conflicts are after the regeneration is a factor. Like at a certain point, huge sequences would mean absolutely nothing. Also, the villain wasn't particularly interesting or well developed.
No one can convince me the fight in the car wasn't a sex scene.
Trying a cool and fun thing where I'm logging this in the cinema as the credits finish up and though that is kind of fun it means I'm not really sure what to say yet other than I loved it and its it's a really interesting rumination on personal freedom and the self, and how these interact with societal issues, specifically misogyny. Writing this is hard because the end credits are really interesting. I should probably be watching them. Actually,…