

Favorite films

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming
  • Whiplash
  • John Wick

Recent activity

  • The Matrix


  • The Intern


  • The Dark Knight


  • Everything Everywhere All at Once


Recent reviews

  • The Matrix

    The Matrix


    Sowwy wibbewals😏…dis guy’s widdawee da fweaking wun 😎

  • The Intern

    The Intern


    The feel-goodiest feel good movie I’ve ever seen 😭 what the hell man — 2 hours where nothing happened yet I was fully engaged and feeling emotions the entire time. So satisfying and gave me hope for the future? Just breathe?? Do Tai chi in the park and move forward ready for the next day?!!? Shut the front door. Get out of town. Quit pulling my chain.

    Seeing Robert DeNiro as the cutest old man ever is incredibly jarring bc I’ve only seen him in mobster movies where he usually kills someone.

    Fuck Matt all my homies hate Matt.

Popular reviews

  • The Truman Show

    The Truman Show


    If I was Truman I would’ve hidden the fact I knew I was being watched and just started making life harder for everyone around me

  • John Wick

    John Wick


    If I had to choose between ending world hunger and getting to watch the mass murder scene in John’s house for the first time again…many feathers would be ruffled in the international community that’s all I’m saying
