

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • The Dark Knight
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street

Recent activity

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days


  • Inland Empire


  • Jurassic Park


  • Instruments of a Beating Heart


Recent reviews

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days


    I'll never stop loving these movies!

    There are three quintessential parts that contribute to my perception of American suburbs and their middle class population plus my undying (as well as unreflected) love for that American way of life:

    1. the TV show The Middle
    2. (almost) all of David Lynch's movies
    3. this utterly perfect Diary of a Wimpy Kid trilogy

  • Inland Empire

    Inland Empire


    Well, Lynch movies are normally pretty hard to understand... But while I always found myself to at least grasp a little of what's going on, even on the first watch, I didn't get what was happening in Inland Empire AT ALL.

    Now, I'm not saying this film doesn't make sense or anything, I'm probably just too stupid or haven't paid enough attention or whatever... But I just didn't get it. I would definitely like to revisit this movie some day…

Popular reviews

  • Wicked



    It's shocking as always, but it's especially shocking in times like these, to see a film like Wicked. It's shocking at a time when xenophobia, racism and plain hate against immigrants are on the rise once again: in America but also in Europe. At a time when a neo-fascist, right-wing extremist party is once again polling second in Germany.

    You'd think we Germans should have – finally (!) – learnt our lesson. But once again a scapegoat is crafted. Because…

  • Dune



    A great adaptation of a perfect book

    Dune suffers the same necessity all films that are based on a huge amount of lore must face: one hell of an exposition dump. Having read the book in the last two weeks, the exposition was especially obvious for me but I don't know what else they could've done instead, either. Because you need those many facts to fully grasp the volume of this universe and its underlying themes.

    What the film translates…