
flanbapple Patron

Favorite films

  • Crimson Tide
  • Tenet
  • He Who Gets Slapped
  • The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

Recent activity

  • The Beach Bum


  • Mandy


  • The Beach Bum


  • Den of Thieves 2: Pantera


Pinned reviews

  • Memorial Day 2000

    Memorial Day 2000


    This movie changed my life. I now divide my life into two segments: pre-MD2K and post-MD2K. Insanely valuable artifact of pre-smartphone society that feels like it's broadcasting from ancient times: no one's bored now so there's no reason to build a huge fire and see if you can jump through it without burning yourself. Or to get liquored up and fight someone in a pit of mud. Also feels intensely local, documenting a very specific and long forgotten corner of…

  • The Searchers

    The Searchers


    [70mm restoration]

    A singularly profound and abjectly horrifying film, finally rendered in its full terror and splendor on a screen that could rip your entire face off. The first and final revisionist Western, in which John Wayne, in the Great American Film Role, plays a dead-eyed racist psychopath halfway down a doomed path and consumed by hatred curdled into despair and scarred over into the outlawry definitional of this time and place, ronin of the worst and ugliest departed daimyo,…

Recent reviews

  • Raising Arizona

    Raising Arizona


    john goodman lo-fi mud screams to rob/kidnap to

  • Dr. Terror's House of Horrors

    Dr. Terror's House of Horrors


    Have to admire British filmmaking: they probably paid 5 quid for the sets here (some wood paneling on a rocker plus a day's rent on a council estate), but managed to pack 3 of the best genre craftsman of all time into the picture to do a handful of goofy stories. I liked the plant one the best personally, and how all of the stories ended with the guy perishing violently!

Popular reviews

  • Longlegs



    It's crazy how not real Mr. Downstairs is 😅

    However, I am going to keep saying my prayers, even though they don't work, just on the off chance he IS real.

    [35mm IFC Center advanced screening]

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist



    A film about cages reinscribing themselves as the past shackles the future, the inability even for our most talented to remove the signifiers of who they were to master their own destiny.

    If you think it's pro-Zionist you should be arrested immediately upon arrival into your next matinee.