This list will be constantly changing and it is kinda messy since placing these films in order is really hard
Stanley Kubrick Ranked
Ranking every film directed by Stanley Kubrick including every one of his feature films and short films. This list is…
Guy Ritchie ranked
I can’t recall a time where I have not enjoyed a Guy Ritchie film. His films are fun, so much…
Sergio Leone ranked
I’ve only yet to see two of Leone’s films, Duck, you sucker and The colossus of rhodes and i’m really looking…
My blu-ray collection
Every film in my collection. Some bad films I own like The Phantom Menace or Batman & Robin have come in…
June 2021 ranking
Rewatches: Reservoir Dogs A Clockwork Orange Se7en Psycho Trainspotting The Shining (twice) Grown Ups 2 Rewatch
New watches: The Turn…
Akira Kurosawa ranked
My personal ranking of every Akira Kurosawa film i’ve seen. My favorite director of all time.
July 2021 Ranking
This list includes rewatches and i’m too lazy to write down which ones they are.