Tori Raborn

Tori Raborn

Favorite films

  • Top Gun
  • Rocky
  • Whiplash
  • The Throwaways

Recent activity

  • The Throwaways


  • Union


  • Whiplash


  • Ratatouille


Recent reviews

  • The Throwaways

    The Throwaways


    A comedy action film that was filled with adrenaline rush and anticipation in the depths of emotion of fear, anxiety and the eye contact the characters held. I was entirely never bored and it became one of my favorite films. The Throwaways directed by Toni Bui with actors that included James Mann, Katie McGrath, Kevin Dillon, Sam Huntington, Jack Kesy and Christian Hillborg and many more. Not to mention my favorite actress is Katie McGrath. This cast was not only…

  • Union



    For class! This is half of what I’m supposed to write as an extra credit assignment (two page reflection essay!) this film was eye opening- the constant struggles in the work place, dealing with harassment, sexual harassment, actual racism and assault as the company harms workers and this is not anyone knew about in the film of Union. After hearing what the director and a former worker of Amazon dealt with personally and hearing their personal stories and how the…

Popular reviews

  • Hereditary



    I know this film wasn’t supposed to be funny.

    But horrible mother.

    Horrible brother. 

    In the end,


  • Anora


    Although the character development for Anora was amazing. I do believe Anora could have done better with the cinematography and sound. While the cast was good, the characters were shitty. Among all of that… it was nominated for an award.. In hopes it would get something however, I was confused throughout the film and the kidnapping scene just went on for 20 minutes. However, I did like Micky Madison in this though !!