Alicia S

Alicia S

My wife loves horror movies so now I love horror movies too, apparently.

Favorite films

  • Hot Fuzz
  • Suspiria
  • The Endless
  • The Addams Family

Recent activity

  • The Beastmaster


  • No One Will Save You


  • Convoy


  • Maniac


Recent reviews

  • Convoy



    I wanted it to be better than it was, but I can’t be upset with a movie so staunchly opposed to cops.

  • The Beastmaster

    The Beastmaster


    I recalled seeing this as a kid and wondered just how bad it would be as an adult, or if I might pick up on things now that I didn’t when I was young. Upon examination, how is anyone rating this three stars and up? This movie is absolute dreck. Overlong with a dreadful script, an insufferably egotistic and misogynist lead, and some truly embarrassing performances (looking at you Rip Torn).

    Not even ferrets could save this, although they sure…

Popular reviews

  • Hot Fuzz

    Hot Fuzz


    This movie is a fucking masterpiece of cinema and I will die on this hill. The writing! The performances! The music selections! The “straight man/funny man” comedy wrapped in the trappings of buddy cop action revolving around a folk horror mystery plot! The laugh rate/minute is insane. Simon Pegg was born to play Nicholas Angel.

  • Pulse



    “Oh no the internet will make us all sad and lonely!”

    No honey, capitalism makes us all sad and lonely but you were so close. I honestly forgot how much doomer handwringing there was during the early days of the internet until I watched this.

    In all seriousness though, I love the aesthetic and if you enjoy the slow burn Japanese horror vibe, it’s really cool to watch this one play out. The ending was amazing?? And then the one suicide scene was so sudden and all a single shot. Goddamn.

    Bonus: I learned about the Nissan BE-1 thanks to this movie. #cargirl #trivia