i know i give out a lot of 5 stars
La La Land is never leaving the #1 slot im sorry
Brilliant!!!! The most nuanced take on a poverty-related story I’ve ever seen, an excellent script in every way. The script is so good in english that I can inly imagine it’s even better in Korean*. And Bong Joon-Ho takes full advantage of the visual medium, not a single frame in this movie is boring or unnecessary, and it’s creatively shot to boot. All-timer right here
*clarity: i watched it in Korean, but obviously i got the dialogue from subtitles
This is one of the most technically brilliant movies I’ve ever seen, and it packs a strong emotional and thematic punch. My only complaint is the way the “full picture” is revealed at the end, as I feel it undermines the message that was established previously, but I don’t feel like I can take away from the movie for that considering I don’t know anything about French politics, and that ending could be very profound in that context.