You can find me at local cinemas almost every week. :)
And I also dare to watch difficult content.
// manchmal im Radio zu hören.
The good: Decent animation with a nice blend of CGI and utopian aspects of a world with no problems.
The bad: Far too many missed chances to stand out in a plethora of young adult romance (scifi) dramas, childish characters with questionable intentions.
The ugly: Showing stalking as an acceptable act, the lack of technical understanding/solutions when it comes to software and devices, self-abandonment plus careless family neglect in favor of employment, regulatory shortages regarding AI and education.
Are you…
Maybe this "cult classic" has not aged well - or it was never that funny. Stupid students can't find a nice way to connect - instead they keep bullying and shaming. What a failed society. If only the kinky scenes would make up for all the silliness.
This dystopian adventure/drama comes with stunning visuals and some popular (voice) actors. However, neither the world building nor the characters seem well fleshed out. Several action scenes do not really add to the story of a young woman trying to achieve something family-relatetd with unlikely allies. And so you might feel disappointed.
Ver-stö-rend. Was möglicherweise wie ein schwieriges Nischenthema anmuten mag, sorgt für ein Maß an Unbehagen, welches Horrorfilme teils nicht erreichen können. Eine gute Besetzung und eine behutsame Inszenierung unterstützen dieses beklemmende Jugenddrama.
Nichts für schwache Nerven oder empfindliche Gemüter. Sehr aufwühlend.