Rating: 5% if the movie is actually good, 95% vibes and whatnot.
Fs: fav scene
Movie so bad it ruined Stanley Tucci for me 😫
Also, love MBB for some reason but stop giving her jobs, she can’t act for shit.
Fs: car javelin.
Visually it was very well done, now when it comes to all the rest…
So many unnecessary scenes and questionable directing/ writing choices. The movie could’ve literally been an hour shorter without removing a single plot point by just removing the shit they clearly just added for the snobs.
Idgaf it felt like 15 writers got tgthr and each one of them had visual ideas so they each wrote like 15 scenes of the movie and then they glued it…
🫢 i feel like i was supposed to like this a little more. I did NOT want to see Leonardo DiCaprio’s ass ..
Fs: Dujardin + cancer healing sides
Idc i’ll rewatch this whenever i don’t feel too fresh and It’ll be 2018 again and the world is still fine 🤗🤗