Amazing movie with a few strange plot holes, why does she take the $10K so easily? Why did Igor do that? Why did Igor do that? Why would she get with a twink?
Congrats to ChatGPT on your first screenplay, I still remember when you helped me with my essay 4 days ago, crazy to see you on the big screen now.
Not a single joke landed, the gore was too much (personal preference but my preference is that it’s not good), nobody had any actual decent dialogue. Complete and utter dogshit and I’m actually glad we watched it as a staff event so I didn’t have to pay for this horrendous movie. Sorry to everyone that worked on this movie but good god this movie is ABSOLUTELY not it.
I see why they’d want to clone Robert Pattinson not gonna lie
Definitely among the best of 2025, a sci-fi masterclass and quite funny too. Some parts felt cramped but there was a lot of story and not enough time to tell it all. Could have used more Marshall backstory but I feel like you get a certain vibe from him that is easy to apply to a certain real-life someone... Also an absolute pleasure to see it in IMAX on opening night, I won’t get tired of seeing that long ass imax intro anytime soon.
never in my life have i watched anything gundam related. thank you so much avery for putting me on this was crazy in imax 🙏 i fucked with the lesbians or whatever they were