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I take photos and write reviews of film
Male, 27, Just a dude in love with the silver screen.
Documentary I made thats free on YouTube
I thought I'd come back to this after I believe a few months since I've last seen it and worked on it and give it my serious review.
Overall, I'd hate to admit it but as much work as I put into this documentary it does end up confused and a bit exhausting to watch. Maybe it's because I spent 200+ hours on it but when I watch it I do see all…
Still one of the most wholesome and true to life documentaries I have seen. Mans makes you want to live slower makes you want the days to drag on makes you want to live in a rural town with sweat down your back and fried food in your belly. This documentary and Mans makes you feel cozy at home in bed cold after a long hot day.
help us to look back over a well spent life and hear thy welcome voice say "Well Done."
Damn this has some serious surreal presentation in parts. Feel somehow very modern.
We are all light reflections reflecting on light reflecting on ourselves.
Unfortunately, I found this film to be “all style and no substance.” If you rate films solely on the originality of their presentation, then I’d give Longlegs huge props for pulling that off. However, despite its incredible angles and decent work overall, the substance doesn’t amount to much that’s worth the time.
The only Christmas special you need for the holidays!!