

Favorite films

  • Spirited Away
  • Perfect Blue
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

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  • Mulholland Drive


  • Megan Is Missing


  • Mirror


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Recent reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • Megan Is Missing

    Megan Is Missing


    its rare, almost a benchmark, that a movie could lack merit to quite this extent. Exploitative shock value garbage that plagued discussion for frankly way too long

Popular reviews

  • Lady Bird

    Lady Bird


    A lot of my criticisms of the movie started to make sense as things began to wrap up which seems to be a trend in the A24 films i've seen. Mainly talking about the scrapbooky way the scenes tie into each other here; the movie insists on constantly diverging into subplots that never really seem to be fully tied and going in blind that can very easily read as tiresome, and it did. But as things closed up it became…

  • Mirror



    Truth be told I still think I need to fully get accustomed to this patchwork-y non-narrative style of film to fully appreciate what this film offers, but I can definitely say I get it. It's definitely a little patience testing, (which isn't necessarily negative) but it's also using that dead space to highlight the skills of Andrei Tarkovsky as a filmmaker. Maybe in a vacuum you can dismiss the blank walking and unchanging shots as "monotonous" or "uneventful" but you…