

Frankenstein's monster if he had a Letterboxd account. (Each review has an explanation of why I picked it!!!)

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Recent reviews

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    Personally I wouldn’t have done any of that. But go off queen!

    Explanation: This movie is very Frankenstein-inspired with its “scientist and his creature” characters and its Victorian-futuristic aesthetic. However, the creature is female, and the scientist protects her like an overbearing father. Because of this, the creature rebels, but eventually matures after experiencing what it’s like to be a woman in Victorian society. I think Frankenstein’s monster would see a lot of himself in Bella, the creature of this…

  • Pearl



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • Fight Club

    Fight Club


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • Gattaca



    How am I supposed to do anything if even the humans hate each other 😭😭😭

    Explanation: While the main character of Gattca, Vincent, is a human, he is outcast from society for his biology. I think this is very similar to Frankenstein’s creature, because though he is made up of human parts, many readers would not see him as human. Vincent is treated similarly in this futuristic society that marginalizes people based on how “good” their genes are, and is…
