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Favorite films

  • Speed Racer
  • Apocalypse Now
  • Green Room
  • Dune

Recent activity

  • Game Night


  • The Batman


  • Don't Look Up


  • Spider-Man: No Way Home


Recent reviews

  • Game Night

    Game Night


    Wonderfully written, incredibly tight, and a great blend of comedy and action (a genre combo I shortsightedly decided couldn't be done well after seeing too many quip-fest superhero movies).

    Our main cast are a bunch of normal upper-middle-class, advertiser-friendly type people, and yet are thrust into the lens of an action movie. I was impressed with the way that Game Night kept the action interesting, while also nearly entirely believable that I was watching some average johns & janes fight it…

  • The Batman

    The Batman


    robby in eyeliner and zoë in leather for 3 hours?
    Sigh, fine.
    5 stars.

Popular reviews

  • Dune



    Unless it is somehow outdone by its sequels, Dune 2021 will be the most visually enrapturing movie of the decade.

    Everything from the set design, to the costumes, to the cgi is masterfully executed. Dune 2021 teases us with glimpses into Frank Herbert’s unparalleled universe and leaves you gasping for more.

    Of course, no movie will perfectly capture the essence of a book series like Dune, but Dune 2021 is still a masterclass in minimalist world building, and it adequately…

  • Event Horizon

    Event Horizon


    genuinely the most random movie ive ever seen.

    Event Horizon saw the success of the alien franchize and wanted to profit off of its success, but decided actually including aliens would have been too obvious a ripoff, so it went for… hallucinations.

    The film has mediocre acting and even worse pacing. The only saving grace is the occasional body horror, which was used effectively no more than 3 or 4 times throughout the entire movie, for a few seconds each at most.

    Don’t even get me started on what happens to Dr. Weir(?)

    Event Horizon more like Event Borizon!!!