

Favorite films

  • 8½
  • Heat
  • Yi Yi
  • Manchester by the Sea

Recent activity

  • The Station Agent


  • Mona Lisa Smile

  • Love Guide for Dumpees


  • The Legend of Leigh Bowery


Recent reviews

  • Mona Lisa Smile

    Mona Lisa Smile

    It’s never been an amazing movie; but it really slaps when you’re sick in bed with covid, the fan blaring during a heatwave. Any film that has Maggie & Kirsten starring together in 2003 is an archival piece in my book.

  • Love Guide for Dumpees

    Love Guide for Dumpees


    Please, Si-Hu… Just once… Could you suck me off? 

    So I watched this old-school Australian style, the old SBS blind watch. It was better than I thought it would be and altogether not incredible; a classic 2 1/2 stars. However, over the 24 hours since watching it, I’ve thought about it often and recounted the storyline to coworkers/friends. 

    There’s something about fucking your ex’s ex, attempting a self-exit at said ex’s-ex’s house with a whole bunch random pills, waking up…

Popular reviews

  • Heat



    skip the trailer, and just soak in the Michael Mann brilliance. Al Pacino is straight FIRE, Jon Voight and Robert Di Nero great. Heart strings are pulled and the heart rate is up. Big winner

  • Cocaine Bear

    Cocaine Bear

    Walked out of the cinema for the 3rd time in my life. Honestly just an awful movie, not even slightly funny in the slightest. Acting bad, script terrible, cinematography pedestrian and the editing was remarkably awful. The first attack of the bear mostly takes place behind one row of ferns so you don’t even see it? Like what? I can’t even. Get one thing right at least. Isiah Whitlock Jr slay but (until I left) the rest of this movie…
