Fredrik Gren

Fredrik Gren

Favorite Directors: Brian De Palma, Alan J. Pakula, David Fincher, Denis Villeneuve

Favorite films

  • The Handmaiden
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Paths of Glory
  • Casino Royale

Recent activity

  • Pierrot le Fou


  • Return from the Ashes


  • Companion


  • Pauline at the Beach


Recent reviews

  • Pierrot le Fou

    Pierrot le Fou


    I can't say I liked it… but I don't dislike it either. The first act is brilliant, some scenes are mesmerizing. Godard has the ability to really grab the viewers. The film never gets boring, it's so different and unpredictable but after a great scene the next one leaving you scratching your head. Constantly it forces your imagination to fill in certain blanks instead of telling a story. I had the same experience with Alphaville, gradually I start to question Godards ability to move a story forward and suddenly it's very unclear what it was that captured me in the first place…

  • Return from the Ashes

    Return from the Ashes


    Even tough the film lacks movement at times, there is a third act that offers everything you want from this type of psychological 60s thrillers. I have to mention Ingrid Thulin, beautiful, calm and sophisticated, she offers that there is a lot more going on beneath the surface. A rather slow start but what a satisfying ending!

Popular reviews

  • Tazza: The Hidden Card

    Tazza: The Hidden Card


    I do not understand a shit of the game they play, but it does not matter, the movie is really exciting and the last act is brilliant.

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


    Still, after seventeen years and countless times of views there is no movie, not even close, that beats The Lord of the Rings. I have a convincing feeling that this trilogy will always be at the top of my absolute favorite movies of all time.