All the horror and horror-related movies I watched. Braindump list from which I can choose and recommend to my friends…
🔮👁️ Psychadelic occult
Movies (not only horror, but mostly) that have some kind of occult elements in them. From creepy cults, void worship,…
Occult Anime
Anime with occult, religious and spiritual elements.
Octopus Film Festival Movie List
What I managed to watch on the big screen during the best genre movie festival in Poland
AI in Movies - a list of "must see" movies
In the vast realm of cinematic exploration, this compilation of AI-oriented movies serves as a curated journey into the multifaceted…
Wybitne kino a.k.a. The Best Of The Worst
The best of the worst and so bad it’s good or totally awesome!
Sometimes a weaker piece sneaks by but…