“I once found a whole carton of eggs under a bridge one time, none of em cracked or nothin”
-Frank Reynolds
One of my favorite thrillers growing up, my dad had this on the tv constantly as well as “Behind Enemy Lines” so seeing Gene Hackman pass away the other day was very somber in my household. Decided to fire this bad boy back up after not seeing it for about ten years, and it holds up surprisingly well! It’s an all star cast, a pretty relevant plot about government overreach and surveillance (which ended up coming very true), and everyone…
Log this under: shit I will never care to watch again. Pretty timely having a newborn and the parents hate being parents, wrong place and time for me to enjoy this, not only that, the story was pretty awful and I actually felt bad for Amy Adams, would not recommend
So many things to say about this film, and almost all of them are immensely positive! This feels like one of those horror films that helps to evolve the genre, the perspective of the film and adding in nearly all of the exposition either offscreen or told in such unique and clever ways.
The film really does a fantastic job stretching what I could only guess is a very low budget, and typically with “killer in the woods” movies, it…