
Gabe🐄 Pro

Favorite films

  • Ginger Snaps
  • Pee-wee's Big Adventure
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
  • Cabaret

Recent activity

  • Resurrection


  • The Monkey


  • Five Dolls for an August Moon


  • Children of the Corn


Recent reviews

  • Resurrection




    truly this is just a montage of me seeing my home city and going AYOOOOO uhm uh the story is interesting too ig rebecca hall is a great actress mmmm i fell asleep but ill deffo return to it later bc i need to see more ALBANY!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH

    EDIT: i came back to it!!

    you dont love me you just annoy me!!! the fact that i could go stand in the spot where she delivers that BANGER monologue... it gives me chills! adding this to my list of movies that make me want to eat kielbasa.

  • The Monkey

    The Monkey


    dumb movie. does theo james have lip filler?

Popular reviews

  • Blue Velvet

    Blue Velvet


    maaaan rip to a real one. david lynch u absolute genius visionary. 

    isabella rossellini is so beautiful beyond words. laura dern's hair stylist goes ham on those 80s bangs. twinky kyle maclachlan... ➖🫦👁️ 

    dennis hopper as frank booth is both terrifying and like... so darkly funny. his line deliveries are crazy. bodies the hell outta the role.

  • Lost Highway

    Lost Highway


    fell asleep pretty early and woke up periodically in a cold sweat to the most feverish horror visuals and rammstein. i think its kind of the experience david lynch was going for. 

    patricia arquettes tiddies look fiiiiine tho. 

    tried doing a back-to-back of this w/ the sentinel in a double feature i'm calling "maaaan fuck this apartment 😕"

    should i go back and try to stay awake for more of it, or did i more or less get it?