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  • A Nightmare on Elm Street


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Recent reviews

  • Zillion



    scorsese film van den aldi maar meer medelijden naar de hoofdkarakters toe. In een scorcesse film weet je tenminste dat het klootzakken zijn.

    Ook het feit dat ze dennis burkar niet enkel een pedofiel maar een ook verkrachter en de gaat daar zachtjes mee om. dat is heel vies als je het mij vraagt.

    De film mengt ook graag met gebeurtenissen en fictie met elkaar en doet her maar zeer slordig en het is typisch hollywoodnized.

    Presentatie was goed waardoor de twee sterren.

  • A Nightmare on Elm Street

    A Nightmare on Elm Street


    One of the worst remakes out there.
    a movie series that is made to be creative gets that most boring treament in hollywood.
    shit cgi, shitty jumpscares, shitty acting except for jackie earl haley. He's too good for this film.
    unneeded changes as freddy's crimes and a twist that doesn't matter. it's like a downgrade to his evilness, twisted and hatefull mind for no real reason.

    it also makes no sense how is able to kill since he wasn't a killer in the past and also that most pedophiles aren't killers.

    pure shit!

Popular reviews

  • The Girl in the Spider's Web

    The Girl in the Spider's Web


    let's remove the grounded plot of the previous films and just bastar... excuse me hollywoodized the fuck out of it.

    No we got just a generic thriller with a latex fetish.

    All the interesting characters are just a shill of themself.

  • Seaspiracy



    to sum the movie up:

    "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas".
    It's basically it's information you can get from other documentaries or articles and the conspiracy is like a 10 minute long.

    Also they go to one of japans fish (i believe the place where they shot the cove) market and harresses local people with camera's. great journalism right there...

    it honestly hurts the movies message with clumsiness the dishonesty of it all.

    So yeah don't eat fish, i guess...