Humble servant
Dir. of European Man...American Beach
LOL! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAH!!!! unreal funny to be totally h!! when they said "tom ..."
a superhero movie with extra steps, except it’s especially pernicious b/c it offers a dull, glib, liberal humanist comment on intergenerational differences, interracial couples, marriage, sexual orientation, etc etc. sings the right song for the Slowbro liberal left but lacks any depth of voice (only real stab at conveying authentic, modern human-human interaction was the uniquely honest portrayal of the racism of the Wangs, referring to their customer as "big nose"). but, hey, there’s enough Jack Black Kung Fu Panda…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Whitaker almost drags this movie to watchability, but the host of cheap tactics and idiotic directing decisions—the horrific, beyond out-of-line gore and grotesquerie of the dismembered woman, the pathetic “love story” featuring the one-dimensionsally-written Kerry Washington who is forced to be only a sexual object, the milky, smarmy Scot and even milkier, smarmier Brit, the disgustingly out-of-touch soundtrack that dramatizes a search for the tools of abortion with tension drums, the literal torture inflicted on the characters and therefore on…