Continuing my Sean Baker tour, this one’s a bit long, but that’s a quibble…making an absolutely predatory dirtbag the protagonist is interesting enough, but making him curiously charming is ballsy as hell.
Zero gators, one Lonny.
Continuing my Sean Baker tour, this one’s a bit long, but that’s a quibble…making an absolutely predatory dirtbag the protagonist is interesting enough, but making him curiously charming is ballsy as hell.
Zero gators, one Lonny.
Hard to add to this film’s accolades or find any complaints…when everyone in it is firing on all cylinders, a major talent arrives in Mikey Madison, the barely verbal goon Igor is the most thoughtful and compassionate character in the whole movie, you’ve got…well, a pretty damn good film.
Zero gators, several Armenians.
Pro: Ridley Scott still knows how to direct battle scenes, and Waterloo/Austerlitz look amazing.
Con: is this, maybe, a satire? “You think you’re so great because you have BOATS!” (Not sure this I actually a con, per se, but it’s certainly a question)
There’s allegedly a four-hour version of this floating around out there, and I can simultaneously see it as an utter waste of time and a must-see.
Zero gators, one horse getting absolutely chest-smashed by a cannonball, which drew from me a deeply inappropriate laugh.
Listen, there are many cool things here—the animation style, the writing (by and large), the voice acting (though Randall Park has a little bit of “fingernails on the chalkboard of the brain” thing going for me), but even if all that was subpar, including a scene where a samurai fights a giant WHILE TRIPPING BALLS with a Japanese version of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” banging away in the background…as the French say, j’approve.
Zero gators, one Ringo.