Shan + Gav

Shan + Gav

we aim to keep track of every film we stay awake through this year

Favorite films

  • Coraline
  • Kung Fu Hustle
  • Donnie Darko
  • Blade Runner

Recent likes

  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • The Mummy
  • Interview with the Vampire
  • V for Vendetta

Recent reviews

  • Better Man

    Better Man

    S- This reads as a story of a man who seems himself as a victim in every facet of his life, a man who never appreciated the women in his life, who did what he did only to seek the approval of his absent father. He constructs himself as different and unlike other people (the monkey) when really this is a story we have all heard a thousand times, from celebrities, for decades. It reeks of self pity and a…

  • Nosferatu



    S- little bit goofy at times but overall enticing watch, closer to original dracula story but has the more eerie feel of the original nosfertu, modern gothic very beautiful and well shot

    G- atmospheric, authentic characters, uncomfortable at points, great movie with flaws that hold it back