critical, not a critic
need to come up with something other to talk about than why i didn't like the ending
really interesting characters played beautifully - Ralph Fiennes is just incredible
Luca Guadagnino is quickly rising to one of my favourite directors
did feel a little let down by the last 20 minutes - with what was he was going for he could’ve raised the tension further using music or something as the stakes didn’t feel that high so when the tension was supposed to break it just fell slightly flat for me
less funny than the title implies
like the realism of it, v relatable, but the mopeyness of it was a bit of a drag
feels like a gentle kick up the ass
such an interesting character to follow and what an actor to pull it off
I loved how they were able to build such a vivid story without taking us outside of the department. Props to Mr Gyllenhaal and the voice actors whose performances were really outstanding, some cracking direction from Fuqua
It definitely was thrilling but at times I felt that there could’ve been more done to push that tension to extremes rather than solely rely on Gyllenhaal - some more creative audio, camera and editing choices might’ve helped with that
world-creation at its peak
the costumes, visual effects and locations for this were incredible; the cinematography was stunning; the acting faultless; the music empowering, and yet something feels like it’s missing
maybe the fact that it’s part 1 of a series allowed the creators to feel like they didn’t need to produce a complete journey and so it feels like we’ve actually only seen half the film, or just that the climax wasn’t much of a climax? whatever the reason,…