
Gabriel Pro

Favorite films

  • Shrek 2
  • Pride & Prejudice
  • Futuro Beach
  • Past Lives

Recent activity

  • All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt


  • Flow


  • West Side Story


  • In Camera


Recent reviews

  • All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt

    All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt


    maybe it's worth a second watch for me
    it worked for malick, it may work here

  • Flow



    it's cute but I don't know if there's more than that...

Popular reviews

  • I'm Still Here

    I'm Still Here


    sempre que terminam com fotos reais eu não me aguento. é um lembrete (terrível) de que todas aquelas pessoas felizes das fotos não sabem muito bem o que está prestes a acontecer.
    fernanda torres merece toda a aclamação que está recebendo.

  • In the Mood for Love

    In the Mood for Love


    it's not a movie about love.
    it's just yearning and longing and loneliness over and over and over again.
    my favorite thing is either that we never see mr. chan or mrs. chow or the fact that this movie is the most romantic thing i've seen and the closest they ever got to each other was holding hands, once.