travesty. horror. decadence. excrement.
22 | international relations.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
A Nolan movie that explains itself and still I did not understand a thing that was going on except the obvious fight of the present/past for survival. A phenomenon.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I hate that it turned out to really be aliens.
And I’m still curious about why the girl that opens the movie didn’t immediately die since she moved more than once.
Toothless and Hiccup are everything to me. I'm still crying, I need a few minutes (though I have to say Jake Gyllenhaal was clearly the inspiration for adult!Hiccup here)
Apesar de leiga no assunto, gostei muito do trabalho de cinematografia desse curta. As imagens, tanto de vídeo quanto fotográficas, capturaram muito bem a paisagem interiorana de Guaribas, complementando as histórias dessas mulheres de maneira singela.