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  • The Watchers


  • Swallowed


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Recent reviews

  • The Watchers

    The Watchers


    The watchers is a movie that is ultimately disappointing because it fails to live up to its potential. The acting and cinematography are good, but everything else kind of falls flat. The character development, the plot, the conclusion… even the obligatory twist, flat. This movie had the opportunity to be scary and instead it delivered dullness. It’s a shame because at least two of the actors deserved a much better script and much better direction than what they ultimately got.

  • Swallowed



    The movie has an air of competence to it; however, for the type of movie it is, it’s dreadfully dull. The acting is serviceable and the characters seem interesting enough, but the story seems so stagnant. And for all the buildup over what the leads smuggle, there was little to no payoff.

Popular reviews

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    The Wrath of Becky


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  • Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

    Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves


    Pure confectionery fun with a lot of heart, Honor Among Thieves is an excellent movie that pays homage to the fantastical franchise that geeks everywhere know and love. While not fully versed, I’ve dabbled and I felt so much satisfaction watching this crazy, yet delightful story unfold on the silver screen. The action is top notch, the visuals stunning, and the acting is perfect across the board. Chis Pine is a delight as is everyone else, rising to the challenge…