Annihilation meets You Belong with Me music video
Crazy watch! had a blast; it was so stupid.
No chemistry, undeveloped romance and horror.
I will be recommending this to my parents.
I am shocked that freshly 12 year old me saw this in theaters, loved it, thought about it for over a decade, finally rewatched it, and it held up to my nostalgia brain.
A pleasant movie with excellent performances from the leads. Dragged on just a bit too long, but it’s humor and spontaneous music performances added a good dose of levity.
I would have liked the film better if the main character wasn’t sexually assaulted. Everyone in the theater was expecting it, and I was really hoping the director would subvert our expectations. Instead, he played right into them. We don’t always need explicit trauma to move conflict forward.
this movie was so goofy and I had a blast
Just some thoughts:
- we didn’t see Millie Bobby brown actually ride the dragon?
- I’m still confused how the crystal rock climbing worked and how they could hold the weight of a full person
- MBB does an impressive job acting by herself and having no scene partners for 70% of this whole thing
- you’re telling me in like 500 years not one other girl said they were…