
Gianni Pro

Favorite films

  • Opening Night
  • Ikiru
  • Unforgiven
  • The Irishman

Recent activity

  • The Warriors


  • Shane


  • Avengers: Infinity War


  • 3:10 to Yuma


Recent reviews

  • Wild at Heart

    Wild at Heart


    The most optimistic of all of Lynch's films. You need the violence and darkness to be able to see that .
    Nicolas Cage and Laura Dern have magic chemistry together. The film doesn't work if you can't see that love. That fire they have for each other. The kind of love that can heal a heart scarred by a cycle of violence and abuse.
    Harry Dean Stanton's love and devotion to Dianne Ladd is so sweet. So tender. So tragic. When he tells her he loves her, you see more truth than most actors are capable of in a lifetime.

  • Big Wednesday

    Big Wednesday


    'There is a tide in the affairs of men
    Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
    Ommited all the voyage of their life
    Is bound in the shallows and in miseries.
    On such a full sea we are now afloat;
    And we must take the current when it serves,
    Or lose our ventures'

    The Big Wednesday seems like it was and always has been a classic novel. Feels like Last Picture Show in that sense. Except in this…

Popular reviews

  • Oh, Canada

    Oh, Canada


    In Paul Schrader's Oh Canada we see a portrait of an artist struggling with guilt, fear and death He is yet to unburden himself of his sins. Real and imagined.

    Faced with the realisation that unlike Christ his death will not absolve his sins. In fact, it will only cement the foundation of lies his image has been built upon. Leaving behind a world where no one knew you. He may as well disappear. Invisible.

    Do people love you or…
