Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Dune is an amazing adaptation. As fantastic as David Lynch’s version was a disaster. Everything strikes a right note and where this Part One ends feels completely satisfying. The sound design is extraordinary and Hans Zimmer’s score is otherworldly. Credit Denis Villeneuve with keeping the narrative moving at a rapid pace, with enough pause at the proper moments to paint riveting imagery with cinematic poetry. How does it feel like it slows almost too much, but never does? Brilliant acting, gorgeous art direction, thrilling cinematography, gripping drama and incredible world building. I cannot wait for Part Two!
Daniel Craig’s final performance as James Bond was a decent enough showing for 007, but wasn’t entirely satisfying. True, Fukunaga’s Bond here is the most vulnerable we’ve seen him in an everyday sort of way. And that’s not necessarily a good thing - he’s James Bond! He’s not everyday. His vulnerability in Skyfall was so much more powerful because of who a double-0 truly is and how high the world’s stakes are. Add in lackluster villains from Rami Malek and…
Why take a 147 minutes to explain 3 or 4 plot points? Oh yeah, to take in $976 million worldwide. Nearly the whole film follows the trio of heroes as they wander in woods, rocks, ponds, grasses, sounding moody and forlorn. Had there been any way to eliminate this film, the series would have only been stronger. At the start they’re looking for the horcruxes. At the end they’re looking for the horcruxes. There are no character arcs, just exposition and events that just happen to keep things moving along. Skip to the end...
Episode I is problematic on so many levels. On one hand it had to restart the narrative after a 16 year hiatus. On the other it had to tee up a compelling act one for the prequels. It does the first well; the latter, not so much. The story suffers from a heavy irrelevance when getting us to the relationship between Anikan and Obi-Wan which is the real spine of the prequels. Too much is wasted on the Amidala /…