

film logging since the start of 2022, not including stuff i'd seen earlier. i review everything but am too lazy to post here, so plz ask.

Favorite films

  • 50/50
  • Trick 'r Treat
  • American Psycho
  • Don Jon

Recent activity

  • Mountaintop Motel Massacre


  • Ghostbusters


  • Hush


  • Alice, Sweet Alice


Recent reviews

  • Ghostbusters




    - Not even hiding the fact that I'm the most biased human being in the world when it comes to any and everything Ghostbusters. It's hilarious, quotable, at times legitimately scary, and industry-defyingly bold with its effects and impact. Legendary movie.

    original view date: sometime around 2007

    **Extra Thoughts**

    We had a dual DVD set of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II, the one where cover was slimed up, and I was always scared to watch it as a child. Honestly,…

  • Hush




    - Despite its decent acting and sound design, Hush is a simple home invasion horror that, like others in the genre, suffers from its frustratingly poor decision-making from each of the characters. It's creepy at first, but more amusing by its halfway and end point.

Popular reviews

  • Flow




    - It's like Noah's Ark, but without Noah—or anyone to be frank. I was content to dive into this, since it's labelled as the frontrunner for Best Animated Feature at the Oscars. I found it structurally similar to The Wild Robot, but with less dialogue and more stress.

  • The Phantom Carriage

    The Phantom Carriage



    - A Swedish silent horror morality tale—kind of like "It's A Wonderful Life" but greeted by the servant of Death itself. This must've been terrifying 100 years ago, and as emotionally compelling too, with all its creative visual effects and gutwrenchingly sad story.
