

“loving someone is never a waste.” —nana osaki

Favorite films

  • Better Days
  • Drowning Love
  • Meet Joe Black
  • Monster

Recent activity

  • Chungking Express


  • Us and Them


  • Moriarty the Patriot


  • Man in Love


Recent reviews

  • Chungking Express

    Chungking Express


    "Actually, really knowing someone doesn't mean anything. People change. A person may like pineapple today and something else tomorrow."

    california dreamin' 🤝🏻 dreams by the cranberries

    "If memories could be canned, would they also have expiration dates? If so, I hope they last for centuries."

    may 1—indian ppl—pineapple 🍍—sarden 🐟—✈️

  • Us and Them

    Us and Them


    "pick the stars from the sky, bring the pearls from the ocean. You will find that person. we're going to be fine." —jianqing

    If Ian could never find Kelly, then the world will be colorless."

    "Ian will always love Kelly"

    friends > lovers > ex-lovers 😔💔

Popular reviews

  • Moriarty the Patriot

    Moriarty the Patriot


    "if only we could be reborn into a different world, then this next time, i would hope to be true friends with you." — william james moriarty

    sherly n liam idk i love them

  • Sleepover



    hannah: “tell me how the view is from the lunch spot.”
    julie: “if we sit there.”
    hannah: “what do you mean?”
    julie: “wherever we sit, that'll be the lunch spot.”
    hannah: “you're ready for high school.”
    julie: “i blame you.”
    hannah: “take care of the girls.”

    anyway it's cute (a guy in the dance party band)
