

“This great evil, where's it come from? How'd it steal into the world? What seed, what root did it grow from?”

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • The Thin Red Line
  • Princess Mononoke
  • Barry Lyndon

Recent activity

  • Cure


  • To Live and Die in L.A.


  • Mirror


  • Django Unchained


Recent reviews

  • Akira



    Akira, one of the most significant Japanese anime films of its time, and of the future…

    Akira’s impressive technical and narritive achievement of 1988 marked a truly incredible year of anime in Japan. Released in the same year as “Grave of the Fireflies” both films underline and attempt to explore national pain and suffering of war that had left a scar on Japan and its people.

    The film Akira confronts societies misperceptions of ultimate power and the consequences of those…

  • '71



    1971, depicting the events of the troubles in a sharp, realistic way. This story follows the journey of a British soldier who has been deployed to Belfast. We are shown a divided city which is on the brink of chaos. The rejection of British soldiers in Nationalist areas leads to utter violence from a mob resulting in the shooting of a soldier.

    The fast, shaky cam brilliantly captures the violence on screen, I especially liked the chase scene through the…

Popular reviews

  • Small Things Like These

    Small Things Like These


    The novel Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan captures the unsettling atmosphere of a small town, compliant in the grasp of the authoritative Catholic Church, which I feel was brilliantly illustrated on screen. 

    Visually this film did it so well depicting old Ireland, from the interior shots of the family’s house featuring excellent use of lighting especially in the warmer tones of the sodium streetlights, to accurately convey the feel of the movie. 

    The use of “bokeh” features prominently…
